
So guys I am going on a vacation for the next week, so I propably won’t be able to post as much. I will try my best, but you know, WIFI+hotels= disaster 😀
I promise, I will make it up when I come home, see you in a week guys ❤


So, I have previously made posts about guys, and yes here is another one.
Because I feel like guys is the biggest mystery in the world, and I hope I am not the only one 😀

So here are some different stereotypes of guys:

1. The friend:
Yes, we all have that one friend. You meet him and you instantly friendzone him. It’s not something you do on purpose, it’s just how he is. He is not particularly good looking, very ordinary, of course he is super nice. The guy you can talk to and feel really comfortable with. He is the good guy, every girl miss because we are too busy looking for the book/movie romance. The guy that is gonna come and wipe us off our feet.

2. The clown:
Yeah, that guy. You know, the guy that really has no game when it comes to girls. Sometimes it can be charming, but most times, it’s just really annoying. The guy that just can’t take a hint, and keeps trying to get your attention, even though you have already rejected him more than once. Typically he is the class clown, really loud and the “See me, hear me,” kinda guy.

3. The dork:
There is always that guy in your class, he is really quit and shy. He doesn’t know how to talk to girls, and often gets friendzoned, just like The friend. He is really awkward and… just… yeah.

4. The pretty boy:
There were plenty of those at my old school. The boys that look like they just stepped out of a magazine. Plenty of money, big watches, and the “I’m perfect” kinda attitude.

5. The bad boy:
Ohh yes, every girls favorite, at least mine. The douche bag that toys with girls, and go from one girl to another. They are really attractive, okay lets just say it how it is, they are crazy hot. The mystery, the tough attitude is just what a girl want’s. We get to pretend like we can be the one to break down his walls, because deep down he is a really good guy, bla bla bla… It’s the book romance every girl longs for. That is why it sells so many books, it’s a fantasy we love, but it’s just that, a FANTASY! Because it’s not real, those guys are assholes, and you can’t change that. Maybe in some rare cases it’s possible, but come on, it’s not real.

6. The nice guy:
This is a rare thing. The dream guy, he is nice, attractive, funny, everything you want, ohh yeah… and he is not douche bag.
This is the guy The friend turns into, if he has the guts to tell you, that he likes you (and you of course feel the same way 😉 )

7. The player:
Not much explanation needed here. Cheats, lies, and hooks up with girls, like the rest of us change underwear. He thinks he is the center of attention and uhhh so good looking. Just a waste of time, don’t go there, unless you are looking for a good hook up, then he is the guy for you. He definitely won’t call you again, but beware, he will not keep his mouth shut. The entire school is gonna know Monday morning, just so you know.

Of course I know that not every guy is the same, and you can’t label them like this, but sometimes it is just so true. And some guys just aren’t worth your time, but trust me I know, sometimes the heart want’s, what the heart want’s. Just try to be realistic, think “Will this guy use me, or does he really care about me?” But as much as I want to be really negative and say don’t, “Don’t waste your time,” I am also gonna say, “Go for it!”. Sometimes it’s worth taking a chance, he might really be a nice guy, behind all the bullshit. Because you can’t label people. Yes, most guys in the 16-19 age are assholes, but there is also some really great guys out there, just waiting for you.

As my mom once tolled my, “If you don’t try, you don’t get burned, but if you do try you might get burned, or get what you want 🙂

Do you have any great stories you would like to share, or any good advice? Feel free to let me know in the comments below ❤


Bed time

Haven’t had the time to write anything big today, but I just wanted to wish you all a good night/day/morning, and post some nice quotes I like, hope you enjoy ❤








God, the big mystery!

I have something I need to get of my chest, not quite sure what it is, or where this post is going (Exciting huh 😉 )

At my old school there were plenty of couples. There is one in particular, that comes to mind.
Let´s just call them Jane and Tarzan (I don’t know why)
Anyway, Jane and Tarzan were that kind of couple, that were always kissing and touching each other. In. The. Classroom. Come on guys, really?
Anyway(Just realized how often I write “Anyway”) Anyway, they were pretty cute, you know, when they didn’t  dry hump in front of you.
And I am gonna be honest, it did spark a little bit of jealousy, because they seemed really happy.

First of all, I have never been in a relationship before, nor have any of my friends, so I don’t know ANYTHING!!!!
This is just my perspective and what I see, it might be totally different for you and your girl/boyfriend, so please don’t get mad 🙂
Me and my friends have often discussed relationships, and there is often a lot of negativity involved.

But honestly, I can’t imagine myself in a relationship. I am not a big fan of romance.
Obviously not all romance, subtle things like holding hands, and catching the other person looking at you, stuff like that is adorable.
But here are my problems:

1. PDA

One thing I can’t stand is way too much public display of affection (Jane and Tarzan) big public gestures, flowers (who want’s flowers? Just wondering, honestly?)
Ohh yeah, and Facebook!
I hate it when people write those, “Love you babe, miss you Love,” I get that you have a boyfriend, but do you really have to shove it in my face?

But here is my first question, why do you do that?
Do you really have to stick you tongue down your girlfriends throat all the time? I can’t help but wonder if it is to mark your territory. And I get that, but that is my first problem. As great as it is to be somebody’s “special someone,” you are SOMEONES something, and that scares me. I don’t wanna be anybody’s anything.

2. Infidelity

I know it is kind of a cliche to be scared of, but I am. I watched so many people cheat, flirt and be inappropriate, people in relationships.
Also the jealousy, the “Who was that girl?” and the “Why is she talking to him?” Seems like unnecessary worry to me.

3. Commitment

Might seem weird, but the commitment scares me as much as infidelity. The responsibility you have to this person, that you like. What if you mess up, what if you get too drunk, too stupid? It seems like a big responsibility to me. You have to be with this person all the time, and make time for them.

4. Getting hurt!
This is probably the worst one. I am scared of opening up to someone,and then have my heart broken. I prefer being a little closed up, armored with sarcasm and shyness. Getting my heart broken scares the living shit out of me.

I realize that everything above seems really negative, and like “I don’t believe in love” and all that, but the truth is… I do.
Because everything up there can be kinda great.

1. Knowing that someone cares so much, that they don’t want to loose you.

2. If the person you are with really cares about you, cheating won’t even cross their mind.

3. You get to spend time with the person you love, not because you have to, but because you want to.

4. My mom once tolled me, “If you try you might get burned, but if you never try, you never get burned or get what you want.”

Basically what i am trying to say is, there are two sides to everything. Good and bad. What matters, is from what perspective you look at life, relationships and opportunities.

I choose the positive look on life, what about you?  ❤



“What’s her name?”
“What’s her name?”
“Babe you don’t know her, I…”
“I want you to tell me her name”
“I…I don’t remember”
“Say something, please”
“Tell me you hate me”
“Tell me our relationship makes you sick”
“Tell me we fight too much”
“Babe what are you talking abou…”
“Tell me I am a bitch”
“Tell me you don’t love me anymore”
“I…I…I can’t…”
“Tell me you cheated because you wanted a way out”
“But Babe…”
“Don’t you dare tell me that you ruined our relationship, because of some random girl”
“Well then, fuck you!”
“Please don’t leave”

Mini golf and walking too slow?

I started the day with a nice relaxing trip to the city with my sister, right!
Everything was fine, there had been no argument whatsoever, up until my sister starts getting really pissed because I “walk too slow”??? I mean come on!!!!!
I don’t walk slow, okay! But my legs were killing me, I just bought a new pair of sandals, and it was my first time wearing them, we all know what that is like. You go from comfortable sneakers and boots, to tiny flip-flops and sandals. Anyway, typical us to start a big argument about something like that, thank god we made up after about 5 min. But it could have dragged on forever.
Fights between sisters are the worst kind (Especially when I am always right and she is wrong 😉 )

Later that day we met up with my family and played mini golf on the roof of a big mall, it was awesome, especially because I won!!!! 🙂

Well actually my dad and I shared the first place, but my dad always wins, and he hates losing, so that actually just made it even better 😀
After that, a nice relaxing dinner with my family, a pretty good day I would say.

What about you guys? What have you been up to? ❤

Grateful <3

God I am tired right now. I am practically writing this with closed eyes.
I had to go to work, and it was so HOT!!!!! I work at a supermarket and had to spend a lot of time outside, dragging dumpsters. Yeah, that sucked, thankfully I work with some really nice people, and some not that nice people, but that’s just how it is I guess.

I should really go to bed, but I love just sitting on my bed, with my computer in my lab, and just watch random YouTube videos and reading random blogs, while listening to some of my favorite music.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say… write… whatever you wanna call it, is thank you!
I can’t believe I have only had this blog for a week, it seems like forever, I am in love ❤
And I certainly  can’t believe I already have 16 wonderful followers either. It really, truly warms my heart to know, that you actually want to read what I write. So thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my blog, you are wonderful ❤
(I know there is a lot of hearts going around, I promise to stop)

I hope you all have a great day, night, morning wherever you are from 🙂

Goodnight ❤

(Oh well 😉 )


If you have read any of my previous post, you might know that I am starting at a new school next school year, which I am super pumped for.
Anyway, I really hope that there is some nice girls in my class, in my previous class there were some really nice girls, and I got a lot of good friends, but there was also a lot of not that nice girls.
I swear, if I have to listen to endless conversations about workout, diets and how many calories there is in salad, I am gonna die!!!!!!
I totally respect that they want to talk about it, but really… Everyday????
I drives me crazy, hopefully that’s not the case…fingers crossed 🙂

Summer restlessness

I love the summer holidays, don’t doubt that for a minute, but now I am halfway through the vacation and I am starting to get restless. I always get like that, you know, when everyday basically consists of getting up in the morning, binge watching your favorite TV-show, eating and then going to bed. It’s really nice in the beginning, but after about a month, it gets a little boring.
I start missing my friends, because they are all busy, traveling, and suddenly you feel kinda lonely and restless.
I like spending my day doing at least one thing that’s not sleeping. Thank god I have this blog. I love writing, and it just seems like a really god way to spend my time, working on my English 🙂
Getting out of the house is crucial!
One good thing about it, is being so pumped for school to start.
I know it sounds kinda nerdy, but I always get really excited for school in the long holidays.
Anyway, in a week i am off to Spain, and I am super excited to spend some time with my family ❤

Do you get like this as well? Do you have any tips?
Let me know in the comments 🙂


So as I have noticed, most of my readers are from America, and while you may be in college or high school, my school system here in Denmark is very different. I will try to explain it as simple as possible.
We start in what we call “Folkeskole”, which I guess is like middle school, and freshmen year of high school. Anyway, from we are 6 until we are 16. From grade 0 to grade 9. You can choose, like I did, to take a grade 10, just to get an extra year. After that, you can go to a wide selections of different schools, I won’t even try to explain them.
But, I am going to a gymnasium, which is like high school, excepted you can choose which classes you want, for how many years and it’s only 3 years.
Lost you guys yet? No? Great!
There is 3 different kinds of gymnasiums, STX, HTX and HHX.
Yeah I know, what does that mean?
I don’t know, honestly, I think is’t just random letters, don’t think it means anything.
Anyway, there is the regular gymnasium (STX), the marketing one (HHX) and the nerd school, cough… I mean science one (HTX).

I am going to a regular one, and I am super excited. I can barely wait. School starts in less than a month, 23 days to be exact.
I know this probably wasn’t my most interesting post ever, but if you ever feel confused when I describe my school life, you can read about it here 🙂

Anyway I choose Spanish, English and Psychology as my main classes, and i am super excited 🙂

What kinda school do you go to? or do you have any questions?
Let me know in the comments ❤

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