I’m back!!!!

So guys, I was right, WIFI+Hotel= Disaster. It was horrible, however the vacation was nice.
I had to get up at 2.30 in the morning, after 30 minutes of sleep to get on the plane, I was exhausted. I must admit, I am kinda scared of flying, which is silly because I have done it so many times. My stomach turns, and I literally get tears in my eyes, and it’s embarrassing as hell!!!
It was so hot on Mallorca and I was in long, black jeans, not the best of ideas. We were met by a sweating guide, screaming “HOTEL” in our faces, so we could get on the right bus. Very charming!
The hotel was lovely, a big swimming pool, and delicious food. There were also some very nice entertainers, very very nice entertainers 😉 They did some sort of show every night, like Mamma Mia, Grease or Footloose, you get it. There was a lot of dancing, some very good, some very bad. But it was fun and entertaining.

It was so relaxing and I’m ready to kick ass! Or maybe just start school, same same 😉

Anyway, now I’m BACK!!!!! And full of ideas, so I’m gonna make up for lost time 🙂



So guys I am going on a vacation for the next week, so I propably won’t be able to post as much. I will try my best, but you know, WIFI+hotels= disaster 😀
I promise, I will make it up when I come home, see you in a week guys ❤

Mini golf and walking too slow?

I started the day with a nice relaxing trip to the city with my sister, right!
Everything was fine, there had been no argument whatsoever, up until my sister starts getting really pissed because I “walk too slow”??? I mean come on!!!!!
I don’t walk slow, okay! But my legs were killing me, I just bought a new pair of sandals, and it was my first time wearing them, we all know what that is like. You go from comfortable sneakers and boots, to tiny flip-flops and sandals. Anyway, typical us to start a big argument about something like that, thank god we made up after about 5 min. But it could have dragged on forever.
Fights between sisters are the worst kind (Especially when I am always right and she is wrong 😉 )

Later that day we met up with my family and played mini golf on the roof of a big mall, it was awesome, especially because I won!!!! 🙂

Well actually my dad and I shared the first place, but my dad always wins, and he hates losing, so that actually just made it even better 😀
After that, a nice relaxing dinner with my family, a pretty good day I would say.

What about you guys? What have you been up to? ❤

Summer restlessness

I love the summer holidays, don’t doubt that for a minute, but now I am halfway through the vacation and I am starting to get restless. I always get like that, you know, when everyday basically consists of getting up in the morning, binge watching your favorite TV-show, eating and then going to bed. It’s really nice in the beginning, but after about a month, it gets a little boring.
I start missing my friends, because they are all busy, traveling, and suddenly you feel kinda lonely and restless.
I like spending my day doing at least one thing that’s not sleeping. Thank god I have this blog. I love writing, and it just seems like a really god way to spend my time, working on my English 🙂
Getting out of the house is crucial!
One good thing about it, is being so pumped for school to start.
I know it sounds kinda nerdy, but I always get really excited for school in the long holidays.
Anyway, in a week i am off to Spain, and I am super excited to spend some time with my family ❤

Do you get like this as well? Do you have any tips?
Let me know in the comments 🙂

Summer cleaning

Every summer I have a big summer cleaning. I have kind of a love-hate relationship with it. I hate cleaning, it takes Forever!!!!!
It’s super boring going through of all my things, throwing stuff out. However, when I’m done, it’s such a relief. My room is totally clean and I feel like I am ready to start the school year, with my clean room. I am in the process right now. My room is one big mess, stuff everywhere. It feels like it will never end.
I always spend way too much time considering, whether to throw the old school paper out or not. Maybe I could use it in the future? and I know it’s stupid, because I know I won’t ever use it, and it will just lie in a drawer somewhere. But what if just THAT paper could be useful, and I threw it out?
That’s the dilemma.
I always get really nostalgic about things, like something I made when I was younger, a drawing, a paper or something else. Completely useless things. It’s really annoying, because I know I only look at these things once a year, when it is time for my summer cleaning.
It’s here I need to be tough, just think “Is it useful? Is it important? Will I ever look at it?” It’s really hard, but you have too.

I try to make it as fun as possible, I plug-in my earphones and crank up the music. That always makes it more fun, I also try to take it in small bites, so it seem more manageable. I also try to praise myself for the work I have already done, thinking “Wauw I did a good job” 🙂
It’s always more fun that way.


Do you have any good ideas for making cleaning more fun?
Let me know in the comments below ❤