Beastly – Movie Review

I have watched this movie, maybe 10 times. Yes, I am in love with it, and I will tell you why 😀

Here is a short summary of the movie:

Seventeen-year-old Kyle is the spoiled, shallow and incredibly popular prince of his high school kingdom. Kyle foolishly chooses Kendra, a witch masquerading as a high school student, as his latest target for humiliation.

In order to teach Kyle lesson, Kendra transforms him into someone as unattractive on th outside as he is on the inside. Now he as one year to find someone to love him, or he will remain Beastly forever. A quiet classmate he never noticed named Lindy may be his nest chance to prove that love is never ugly.

As you might have figured out by now, Beastly is a modern interpretation of Beauty and the Beast. Not only is Beauty and the Beast my favorite fairy tale, it also have Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer starring in this movie. They have a really nice chemistry, that doesn’t seems forced.

The story, besides the whole “witch turns someone into a beastly man thing,” seems realistic. At least as realistic as it can get.
It shows the effect parents can have on their children and how some people finds looks more important than anything else.

It really has a nice message, “Love is never ugly,” which people should really listen too. Of course no guy is going to transform himself into Alex Pettyfer (I wish 😉 ) but it does show that the perfect guy could be hiding right in front of you, you just don’t see him.

The movie has a really nice soundtrack and is not too much or to little, and the movie’s theme is absolutely dreamy. It’s my favorite romantic movie, because it’s not like every other movie, and the message and tone is beautiful. The movie also have my favorite poem in it, “Having a coke with you” by Frank O’hara, just so beautiful ❤

I would give this movie 6 out of 6 stars. I can watch it again and again, actually I think I am going to watch it now 😉
Have any of you seen it? What did you think?
Please leave a comment below 🙂

LOL – Movie review

So, I know this is a relatively old movie, but I still wanted to do a review on it.

Here is the summary of LOL:

In a world connected by YouTube, iTunes and Facebook, Lola (Cyrus) and her friends navigate the peer pressures of high school romance and friendship while dodging their sometimes overbearing and confused parents. When Lola’s mom, Anne (Moore), “accidentally” reads her teenage daughter’s racy journal, she realizes just how wide their communication gap has grown. Through hilarious and heartfelt moments between mother and daughter, “LOL” is an authentic coming-of-age story for the way we live now.

Basically LOL is about Lola, played by Miley Cyrus. She is a regular teenage girl, she deals with her mom, played by Demi Morre, her friends, ex-boyfriend and new love, Kyle. The acting is not particular good, you are not gonna feel heartbroken, with tears in your eyes or anything like that. Sometimes the dialog seems kinda weird and forced, but that might just be the script.

However, I really do like the story. It’s very down-to-earth, and there is at least a couple of things, every teen can relate to in this movie. I like that it’s not just boy trouble, but is also about her relationship, with her parents.
I think it’s a shame, that we don’t get a closer look at her friends relationships with their parents. You get a small peak, and it’s actually kinda interesting, and I would have liked to see a little more of that.
The problems in here are very realistic, the movie doesn’t pretend that alcohol, drugs and sex isn’t a regular part of every teens life. Of course not everyone do drugs, or drink or whatever, but it is still a part of your life. It’s around you, and I like that they don’t sugar coat it. A lot of movies especially don’t show drugs as regular thing at parties.

One thing I love about this movie, is the soundtrack, I have the entire movie soundtrack on my phone, and I love it. It also have one or two original songs by Jonathan Clay, the guy who actually sings instead of Douglass Booth (Kyle).

It’s a fun, light movie that doesn’t really make you reflect too much about stuff, it’s just fun to watch.

I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars
